SCAM salinometers released by the most important classification Agencies, have been designed to measure the feed water conductivity in plants destined to naval propulsion.

Generally, they may be adopted in any liquid environment where the conductivity varies due to the presence of chemical products altering the conductivity itself.


SCAM salinometer shows the maximum versatility by adapting itself to each specification and to customers’ individual requirements. In particular:

  • It can fulfill measurements either on a single or on various independent points by using test cells located separately on the various concerned circuits, which send their own signal that is conveyed on a single control emplacement, thus both installation and the operator’s activity are simplified.
  • The salinity maximum value and consequently the alarm operation threshold for each test point can be predetermined.

Naturally, always for each single point in every instant the salinity value expressed in mg. of sodium chloride per litre can be always recorded for each single point in every moment thanks to the scaled indicator shown on the panel.

The electrical conductivity of a solution raises proportionally with the temperature: approximately, for sodium chloride, an increase of 2.5 % is determined for any °C. The SCAM salinometer is fitted with an automatic temperature compensator that immediately performs the correction, if the operating range is included within the compensation limits.

Operating Principles

The salinometer detects the current between two metallic electrodes, inserted in the electrode cell immersed in the solution to be measured. Apart from the salt concentration, the resistance is also a function of the geometric characteristics of the electrode cell. The parameter defining any cell is a constant value expressed in cm. and, thus, states the cell gauging, expressed in fls/cm. For usefulness and usual practice, the salinity indicating device is set keeping into account the concentration of sodium chloride in the fluid.

If the rate between conductivity and concentration is given, at a stated temperature, it is possible to obtain the concentration value, within the usual range from 0 to 100 mg/lt. or p.p.m. of sodium chloride. At 20 ac, the concentration of sodium chloride, in mg/lt, is equal to 0.5 times abt. the conductivity expressed in fls/cm.


The salinometer is fitted with a main n switch that, when in the “ON” position, lights withe lamp. When a salinity exceeding the max. value is detected, in a test point previously set, an alarm red lamp is lit. The gauging of the set point is possible by regulating, inside the instrument case, on a dial with ranges of 3.5 mg/lt., up to the max. value of full scale of the meter in p.p.m.


The salinometer is designed for wall-mounting. The instrument case is water-proof with an IP 54 protection degree and can operate, without particular problems, in any environment, both temperate or tropical. Thanks to the particular construction of the cell holder directly placed on the pipeline where the fluid on which measurement can be carried out flows, it is possible to extract the test cell without interrupting the fluid flow.